Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy

Optimize Your Impact


Create Positive Change

All organizations have a role to play in creating positive societal change. Especially in a world of growing distrust in traditional institutions, the role of business has shifted, and companies are expected to lead and optimize their impact.

Maarten Simons Consulting (M/S/C) is an independent consultancy that helps organizations realize their unique social impact potential by getting the basics right. Through strategic advice and effective program implementation, M/S/C takes organizations from an ad-hoc Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program to a holistic Environment, Social & Governance (ESG) business model. In other words: going from doing good to being good.

Unleash Your Potential

From strategy development and program design to employee engagement and communication, M/S/C builds sustainable programs with economic, social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders.

Whether your organization is just getting started or already working towards a culture of being good, M/S/C shows how a well-defined and practical approach will unleash your full social impact potential.

Truly impactful organizations are patient and get the basics right first. They walk the walk before they talk the talk.



M/S/C helps organizations act in a responsible manner: truthfully, authentically, optimally. It is the only path to creating a impact-driven and transformational business model. And acting in a responsible manner is a first step to optimizing your impact and reaching your full potential, as it will:

  • reduce costs

  • boost employee moral

  • attract and retain investors

  • drive innovation

  • inspire long-term thinking

  • increase trust

  • improve the bottom-line



M/S/C aligns with existing frameworks, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the U.N. Global Compact Principles.